Monday, April 4, 2011

Why Exercise Is Important for Weight Loss

When we exercise to deplete the supply of blood sugar, hormones are released that instruct our fat cells to release fat into our bloodstream. The fat circulates to the muscles that need it for fuel, and we end up with less fat on our bodies. Just like a car needing gasoline to run.
Exercise plays an important role in maintaining a healthy body, it makes it possible to create a calorie deficit and lose weight without starving your body and slowing your metabolism. Exercise alone will not help you lose weight you will have to watch what you intake.
Eat healthy foods in reasonable quantities and exercise regularly to maintain good health, and your body will find a healthy weight naturally.
Categories of Exercise
Exercise is frequently divided into two categories
1. Aerobic exercise ( "cardio") causes you to breathe harder and increases your heart rate.
Performed on a regular basis, activities such as running and swimming improve both your respiratory (lungs) and your circulatory system (heart and blood vessels).
2. Strength building, ( resistance training) increases the proportion of muscle on your body. Examples include weight lifting with free weights and using a machine with variable resistance.
Because muscle is a metabolically active tissue, the more muscular you are the higher your metabolism will be. This means that you will burn more calories even at rest.
Exercise Regularly
People who exercise on a regular basis not only lose weight more effectively, but are more successful at keeping it off. And the significance of regular exercise goes beyond the physical benefits.
Regular exercise produces a mental attitude of self-care and self-esteem that bolsters confidence and the desire to continue to improve.
The health benefits of regular exercise
- reduced risk for heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis and diabetes.
- walking on a regular basis is of great value.
-reduce stress, anxiety and depression,
Not only does exercise burn calories, but exercise -- especially cardio -- causes your metabolism to remain elevated for a period of time after you finish exercising. And strength building exercise builds muscle, which helps to keep your metabolism elevated 24 hours a day.
Getting Started – Slowly
Just walking at first will be good. With time you will build your strength, endurance, and confidence.
You can challenge your body to improve by exercising just outside your "comfort zone." Then, when what you're doing is no longer a challenge, you can do a little more or do it a little harder, faster or longer. But forget about the old saying, "No Pain, No Gain." If you hurt, you won't get off the couch!
When you work your muscles, you may feel a little soreness the next day. This is called "delayed-onset muscle soreness" and it is especially common when you first begin exercising. Stressing your muscles causes microscopic tears to their fibers, and this causes the soreness. The good news is that as your muscles heal they become stronger.
If you experience any other type of pain, stop or see a doctor. Our bodies do a wonderful job of telling us when we are abusing them. The problem is, exercise can be so addicting that we sometimes don't want to stop and listen.
It's Natural
The human body was designed to be active, and the modern conveniences that make life so easy work to our detriment back. Walk to the store if you can instead of driving. On your lunch break get in a 30 minute walk instead of eating out.

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